miércoles, 22 de julio de 2020

The experience of learning english

Hi everyone, today it's the last post I will make this semester and it's very incredible how quickly the time went by. During the semester we had to overcome different situations to do this course, among these we had conecction problems, work stoppages, a global pandemic, quarantine, etc. So it wasn't easy, but I really liked have again an english course in my study programme because the last year I didn't have any so I was starting to forget how to talk or write in english and I feel that this course helped me a lot with that and also how to speak and express myself in this language, which is something that I need to practice even more, because it's still difficult for me to have a mostly fluent conversation with another person or orally express my opinions or thoughts, however I don't know very well how I plan to do that haha I think watching movies and series with english audio and subtitles could help or listening music in this language,  I think It would also be nice have the opportunity to practice with other people, but definitely I want to learn more. 
Actually I don't talk in this language outside of the class, instead I usually watch english videos on youtube or tiktok, haha I know it's not very academic but its make me feel more familiar with the language and also it serves to entertain me awhile, but I think I would have to try to read more academic things in this language and also books to have more vocabulary and reading comprehension, but for now are only ideas...
Well, I think it's the end... It was a strange context to do a course but it was a good experience from my perspective and I hope to continue improving my knowledge of this language, also I hope you have a good day despite the actual context. Goodbye :D

miércoles, 15 de julio de 2020

Study programme

Hello everyone, today I'm going to talk about the changes that I think could make to my study programme, which is Psychology. First I want to say that in general I like my study programme and I'm agree with the idea of having general courses in the first and second semester, because they help to understand how psychology is related to different areas of study such as sociology or the history of our country, however I feel that it would be better and more interesting to make that connection more explicit in the same subject. I also feel that it's very difficult to be accepted in sports and artistic courses, so there should be more places. Other changes I would like to make is to have more practical courses in the first or second year, because practical work has an important connection with what our future work will be and it's also an experience that makes us put our knowledge into practice. If I think about the workload and lenght of studies  I don't have any problem with that, but I think it could be a good idea finish the career with some specialty. On themes of faculty facilities I think the classrooms are very good if I talk of the new ones but I think that those in the social science faculty building may have better ventilation. It could also be better if the University had more laboratories or places to research. On the subject of the use of technologies and methodologies, I think it is still difficult for some teachers to use new methods, but it would be interesting if some forms of teaching were more didactic or not just exposing things, using projectors or different applications. Although I generally like the way teachers teach.

To conclude, I think that our study program is quite complete at a theoretical level, however I feel that there are not many courses, especially in the first semesters, that allow more development of skills and aptitudes necessary for practical work.

martes, 7 de julio de 2020

Pandemic times and quarantine

Hi everybody today I'm going to write about a topic related to quarantine and the pandemic situation because it's something that we can't ignore, since it significantly affects our daily life. In my case, I am with my family in my hometown "Los Andes", my mother is a teacher, so she has been working from home, my sister also works from home and my father is a public employee, so he must go to his office three days a week. I think we are a family that doesn't have big problems with being together all day, of course, sometimes we are stressed and we don't want to talk to others and have our space, but I think that it's understandable in a situation like this.

For me at least I don't have difficulties with stay in my house because I'm not a person that usually go out a lot but that doesn't mean that being at home always pleases me so much, that's why in this time I have started to carry out different activities. First of all, I started practicing yoga with my mother, something I thought I would never do because it didn't seem interesting to me, but now it's something that helps me a lot when I have back pain or want to relax. Another thing I usually do these days is dance and exercise, which is something I should have done more last year, since I had knee surgery a while ago and the doctor told me I had to exercise so that my muscle would regenerate, so now I'm taking advantage of my free time to do it. I also sometimes make cakes, cupcakes, lemon tart, cookies and that kind of things, because I love to eat sweet things and at the same time it has always served to de-stress me.

In the case of my studies, I don't know very well if it will be a problem or not, I think it will be more difficult, because the context is not the best and for me it's difficult to concentrate when the whole family is at home or to read when there is noise, in addition there is the issue of being in front of the computer for too long, because it is quite tiring, but I have a good internet connection and also a place to study, so I don't see it as something impossible in my case, but it would be definitely more complicated and difficult that the last year.

If I'm pretty honest I'm not very optimistic about the pandemic, I really want to see my family and friends but I feel that  somehow there is still a long way to go before this can end and we can leave our homes without fear of the virus, It's shocking how our routine has changed so much in a few months, from leaving our homes normally to do all kinds of activities to being mostly locked up. Also I don't know if this could be something that makes us improve as a society or that makes us better people, more empathetic or generous, but I think it will make us be more attentive to hygiene measures and will also make us value more the fact of having close to the people we love.

martes, 23 de junio de 2020

Postgraduate studies

Hi everybody, today I'm gonna answer a question about what kind of courses I would like to do after graduating.
If I'm honest I hadn't thought much about what course or subject I could study in a future, but If I start to thinking about it, a lot of ideas come to my mind, some of them are related to the career that I am studying which is psychology and other don't have any relation with it. At the moment I would like to learn more within my career, and then see what I would like to specialize in, as I still don't have a clear idea, but looking for different online courses, it could be something with industrial-organizational psychology because  we spend a large part of our day in our workplace, so it's important to have a good relationship with our colleagues and have an environment that makes us feel comfortable and in the mood to work. The truth doesn't matter much to me if I study in Chile or in another country, although if the oppotunity is given that it's outside of Chile, I would take it.
Of the different study modalities, the one that strikes me the most is part-time because it would give me time to work or carry out other activities and at the same time have a training that I consider adequate. 

Other idea that I have in mind is study other language maybe japanese or italian, because learn a new language always open the possibility to know in a better way the different cultures, but I don't know if I would have the time, the energy or the money to do it, but if the possibility arises it would be great to be able to take some of these courses and learn and discover more things.

lunes, 15 de junio de 2020

What job I would like to have in the future?

Since I was a little girl I had many and diverse ideas about my future and the things I could do, but now I think it will be something that is related to the career I am studying at the moment, Psychology. Therefore, I would like to work as a neuropsychologist or health psychologist  and if I could choose a certain area it would be research, because it's something very interesting for me and I think there are so many things about our brain and the way we act that we don't know and we can discover. I think for this job you need the ability to work in a team and adapt to new technologies and methods, as well as being very observant, curious, assertive, organized and structured. I think this work can make you feel very satisfied because you can contribute to the study of the human mind and at the same time provide the necessary knowledge so that different therapies or treatments can be practiced to help other people.

lunes, 1 de junio de 2020

The wonderful world of cinema

If there something that I really enjoy is cinema. Watch movies and series always makes me forget the reality  for a time lapse and travel to other countries, times and worlds, what is amazing. I don't have a  favourite movie genre, but in general I like movies that makes me cry, haha I know it sounds a little weird, but if a movie make me feel with intensity my emotions I considered a well made film, because that mean that the characters and their story make sense at least to me, also I like when movies have an interesting historical context or on the other hand  when the world where the story unfold is completely different from ours, much more magical. If I had to say some remarkable movie that I still remember I think a while ago I would have said "Les miserable", which is a historical musical that moved me a lot, but now I think it is "Spirited away", which is a Japanese animation movie by studio Ghibli, that tell the story of Chihiro a ten years old girl who is moving to a new house with his parent, in the process they get lost and find a strange tunnel, through which end up discovering an abandoned city. Is in this place where Chihiro start her adventure since the city comes alives at dusk, filling up with  strange creatures and ghost, she tries to escape from this city, but when she tries to find her parents she realizes that these have become pigs so Chihiro will have to find a way to break the spell and be able to continue its movement. In this process, she will find Haku who helps her during the movie to overcome different obstacles.
This film is a classic from the Ghibli studio and has a very deep message about Japanese society and the ancient traditions, with very good characters and a very entertaining world with a lot of the japanase folklore.
So if you have some free time I recommend you see this movie.

lunes, 25 de mayo de 2020

My most remember holidays

My holidays are usually very similar year a year. I normally go with my family to the beaches of the central zone of Chile, however one of the holidays I most remember was my 2018 summer vacations.
I went a week with my parent to Maintencillo but first we didn't know where we gonna go and my dad decided just drive to find a place. We visit Papudo and Zapallar but we didn't find any hut or apartment avalaible, so we start to fell anxious because hours passed and we didn't find a place to stayed, so my dad decided to drive more and we find a locality called Maitencillo that had a lot of huts available, so we rent a hut very pretty and near to the beach that had a pyramid shape and a beautiful view of the ocean. The first three days I was there with my parents, we went to eat pizza, we visited a craft fair, we went to swam in the beach and we toured the place. The fourth day my younger female cousin came named Francisca so I started to go to the beach with her and we usually played with the beach paddles also we walked near to the beach searching shells and in the evenings we played cards.
Some days after arrived my other cousins, my uncle and my grandmother, so we rent a house because the days in the hut was over and we need to rent other place. The house was bigger than the hut and 
it was literally on the beach, we went out the house and we could already  feel the sand in our feets, we walked a little and we already had the sea in front. With all my family we toured the place, we went to eat at different trucks food, we had ice cream and we laughed a lot.
I think it was my favorite vacation because I spent several days there, the place was very nice, the food too, plus I spent time with my family. But although was a very nice holidays, in the house that we rent the gas didn ' t work so we had to take shower with very cold water and when we return to our city the car stayed on corduroy on a slope because just that day many cars returned to Santiago, and on one of the climbs we stood for a long time, the car overheated and did not start and when my dad tried to start the car we almost collided another car. We had to move on the side and wait for the car to cool down, also it took us about 6 hours to get back to our city, when normally it took us 2 ½ hours. But in the end were very good holidays!

Huts where we were the first days

Craft fair