miércoles, 22 de julio de 2020

The experience of learning english

Hi everyone, today it's the last post I will make this semester and it's very incredible how quickly the time went by. During the semester we had to overcome different situations to do this course, among these we had conecction problems, work stoppages, a global pandemic, quarantine, etc. So it wasn't easy, but I really liked have again an english course in my study programme because the last year I didn't have any so I was starting to forget how to talk or write in english and I feel that this course helped me a lot with that and also how to speak and express myself in this language, which is something that I need to practice even more, because it's still difficult for me to have a mostly fluent conversation with another person or orally express my opinions or thoughts, however I don't know very well how I plan to do that haha I think watching movies and series with english audio and subtitles could help or listening music in this language,  I think It would also be nice have the opportunity to practice with other people, but definitely I want to learn more. 
Actually I don't talk in this language outside of the class, instead I usually watch english videos on youtube or tiktok, haha I know it's not very academic but its make me feel more familiar with the language and also it serves to entertain me awhile, but I think I would have to try to read more academic things in this language and also books to have more vocabulary and reading comprehension, but for now are only ideas...
Well, I think it's the end... It was a strange context to do a course but it was a good experience from my perspective and I hope to continue improving my knowledge of this language, also I hope you have a good day despite the actual context. Goodbye :D

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