miércoles, 15 de julio de 2020

Study programme

Hello everyone, today I'm going to talk about the changes that I think could make to my study programme, which is Psychology. First I want to say that in general I like my study programme and I'm agree with the idea of having general courses in the first and second semester, because they help to understand how psychology is related to different areas of study such as sociology or the history of our country, however I feel that it would be better and more interesting to make that connection more explicit in the same subject. I also feel that it's very difficult to be accepted in sports and artistic courses, so there should be more places. Other changes I would like to make is to have more practical courses in the first or second year, because practical work has an important connection with what our future work will be and it's also an experience that makes us put our knowledge into practice. If I think about the workload and lenght of studies  I don't have any problem with that, but I think it could be a good idea finish the career with some specialty. On themes of faculty facilities I think the classrooms are very good if I talk of the new ones but I think that those in the social science faculty building may have better ventilation. It could also be better if the University had more laboratories or places to research. On the subject of the use of technologies and methodologies, I think it is still difficult for some teachers to use new methods, but it would be interesting if some forms of teaching were more didactic or not just exposing things, using projectors or different applications. Although I generally like the way teachers teach.

To conclude, I think that our study program is quite complete at a theoretical level, however I feel that there are not many courses, especially in the first semesters, that allow more development of skills and aptitudes necessary for practical work.

2 comentarios:

  1. so real the artistic/sports problem :(
    There should be more places

  2. i agree with that. We have the professors's motivation but they dont the supplies
