lunes, 15 de junio de 2020

What job I would like to have in the future?

Since I was a little girl I had many and diverse ideas about my future and the things I could do, but now I think it will be something that is related to the career I am studying at the moment, Psychology. Therefore, I would like to work as a neuropsychologist or health psychologist  and if I could choose a certain area it would be research, because it's something very interesting for me and I think there are so many things about our brain and the way we act that we don't know and we can discover. I think for this job you need the ability to work in a team and adapt to new technologies and methods, as well as being very observant, curious, assertive, organized and structured. I think this work can make you feel very satisfied because you can contribute to the study of the human mind and at the same time provide the necessary knowledge so that different therapies or treatments can be practiced to help other people.

1 comentario:

  1. Research sounds very interesting and enjoyable if you like to work in a team with other colleagues :)
