martes, 23 de junio de 2020

Postgraduate studies

Hi everybody, today I'm gonna answer a question about what kind of courses I would like to do after graduating.
If I'm honest I hadn't thought much about what course or subject I could study in a future, but If I start to thinking about it, a lot of ideas come to my mind, some of them are related to the career that I am studying which is psychology and other don't have any relation with it. At the moment I would like to learn more within my career, and then see what I would like to specialize in, as I still don't have a clear idea, but looking for different online courses, it could be something with industrial-organizational psychology because  we spend a large part of our day in our workplace, so it's important to have a good relationship with our colleagues and have an environment that makes us feel comfortable and in the mood to work. The truth doesn't matter much to me if I study in Chile or in another country, although if the oppotunity is given that it's outside of Chile, I would take it.
Of the different study modalities, the one that strikes me the most is part-time because it would give me time to work or carry out other activities and at the same time have a training that I consider adequate. 

Other idea that I have in mind is study other language maybe japanese or italian, because learn a new language always open the possibility to know in a better way the different cultures, but I don't know if I would have the time, the energy or the money to do it, but if the possibility arises it would be great to be able to take some of these courses and learn and discover more things.

3 comentarios:

  1. Studying languages is an excellent idea, perfect for getting to know different cultures.

  2. I totally agree with "learn a new language always open the possibility to know in a better way", what is more, learning new languages improves our cognitive activity!
