lunes, 18 de mayo de 2020

Stunning architecture and delicious food

I always wanted to travel to other country but the idea of visit Europe it wasn't very showy for me when I was younger, that is because I made a association between cold and gray color with Europe, this change some time ago when I was with my mother watching Tv and we start to see a programm about cities around the world, that day it was the turn of Rome and when the program shown the architecture of the city I was shocked, I think I'm not a person that is really interesed in the architecture but when I saw the magnificent constructions of so many years ago that you can find in Rome I was really delighted. To this I add that they recorded the program in summer so everything looked so shine and with a lot of life, this make me wanted to travel to Italy and see with my own eyes these spectacle. Other reason is that I love Italian food in general, so If I went to Italy I would like to visit places with a lot of history value like Roman coliseum, fontana di Trevi, Piazza de San Marcos, the basilicas and cathedrals and obviously eat a lot of pizza and pasta. Also I would like to study there because I think is a big opportunity of learn more about the culture and the language and visit more places, but I don't know if I would like to live there so many years because I would not feel happy with the idea of have my family far. 

2 comentarios:

  1. Italy is a good place to holiday, is beautiful!

  2. Mari! I didn't know that you want to travel to Italy, let's travel together when we have a job hahaha <3
